How to Wear Faerie Wings


Minimal Stretch

Our wings are worn by their “U”-shaped base sliding into the back of a top. This requires something fitted with minimal stretch to best hold them in place. Corsets are ideal, but not necessary.

Top Around Shoulder Blades

The top coming up to the shoulder blades is the best way for the wings to look as though they are naturally growing from the back. Anything with too high of a neckline will not work.


The wings are lined with wire. Gentle adjustments can be made to have them sit at a variety of angles.


Faerie Wing Care

Aware of surroundings:

Suddenly having a wider wingspan means crowds and doorways might be more difficult to navigate. Be prepared to shimmy or avoid cramped situations while wearing them

Bending their wire:

While they are poseable they require gentle adjustments using the strengthened pieces at the top of the “U” base. The main risk of bending too high on the wing is tearing the iridescence so work slowly

Avoid leaving in hot cars or directly next to flames:

A variety of the materials used to create these wings are sensitive to heat so while wearing them on a hot day is fine it is important to keep them away from temperatures over 200*F


While they are not being worn they can be displayed with hooks on the wall. This works as wall art as well as one of the safest ways to store them, avoiding them being crumpled or punctured in a closet


For any additional advice feel free to reach out to our email. Always happy to guide faeries on the best ways to care for their wings.